“The Math has a long history of more than one thousand years and being a multi-dimensional institution has contributed immensely to the cause of societal advancement”
Contributing to Spiritual and Cultural Awakening
Cultural and Spiritual Centres- JSS Spiritual Mission, USA

The JSS Spiritual Mission, in association with like-minded organisations, has made concerted efforts to spread India’s rich socio-cultural and spiritual heritage to all corners of the world. The Mission has engaged in activities which centre on religious discourses, the practice of yoga and the dissemination of spiritual knowledge through the publication of books/preparation of cassettes and CDs. The ancient values are made accessible to everyone, in this way.
The establishment of the JSS Spiritual Mission is the fulfilment of a long-cherished dream of His Holiness Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, who visited the United States in 1986. Enthused by the desire of the JSS alumni, their families, and the devotees of JSS institutions, the JSS Spiritual Mission was established in 1999, by His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji, the present pontiff.
The Mission has been established under 501c3 status (the portion of the US Internal Revenue Code that allows for federal tax exemption of non-profit organizations). It aims to serve society by facilitating the citizens to imbibe everlasting values and traditions that have come through generations. This will cut across the boundaries of caste, creed, community, race, etc. and serve everyone who aspires to a safe and peaceful life.
JSS Spiritual and Cultural Centre at Saket, New Delhi

JSS Spiritual and Cultural Centre at Saket, New Delhi, has been established to preserve and promote the rich Indian tradition of arts and culture, besides promoting peace, harmony, and human values in society. The centre will serve as a guiding force to help people understand the true essence of spirituality and to inculcate in them the values of humanity.